
News and Curiosity

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News and Curiosity

Bulgarian Squat: Explanation and Benefits

Bulgarian Squats: What Are They? The Bulgarian squat, also known as the Bulgarian split squat, is an exercise often included in fitness circuits. It is a specific exercise aimed at toning and growing the muscles of the glutes, although it also engages other muscles of the lower limbs, such as the hamstrings and quadriceps. In […] read more
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News and Curiosity

Is running in the cold good for you?

Running in winter: why it’s good for body and mind The cold of early morning or evening may discourage many runners who prefer not to go for an outdoor run during winter. In reality, going for a run in the cold is an excellent workout for the body and also has numerous psychological benefits. Firstly, […] read more
News and Curiosity

Yoga: Benefits and Exercises

Yoga is a discipline rooted in ancient India, drawing upon Hindu spiritual and philosophical beliefs. While these ancient beliefs are somewhat reduced, they manifest in physical and mental practices adopted even in the Western world. Practicing yoga brings numerous benefits to the body, mind, and behavior. There are many currents and varieties of yoga that […] read more
News and Curiosity

How to set up a trail running workout

Trail running is physically challenging and requires specific body preparation to cope with unpredictable terrain and weather variations. This discipline appeals to a broad group of runners, from novices to experts, but tackling a trail is not comparable to running on asphalt: that’s why trail running training should match the runner’s energy levels. read more
News and Curiosity

What are the most beloved winter sports?

Whoever said that winter sports are only to be watched on television? read more
News and Curiosity

Natural remedies for heel pain

Finding the right shoes for heel pain is important, but more natural remedies are also good allies against this typical discomfort of athletes. read more
News and Curiosity

How the Tabata method transforms exercising

A high-intensity workout is possible if you follow the Tabata method, but how does it work? read more
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News and Curiosity

The benefits of a CrossFit workout

CrossFit is that all-around workout for the athlete's body read more
News and Curiosity

Autogenic training: what it is and its benefits for sports

Not only a technique for stress management in psychotherapy: autogenic training can make a difference in an athlete's training. read more
News and Curiosity

Lazy children and sports: the best physical activities to combat childhood laziness

Today, children spend more and more time indoors in front of a computer screen, tablet, or cell phone, neglecting physical activity. In this way, they develop laziness and inactivity, which carries over into everyday life. However, involving children in sports can benefit their health and development. read more
News and Curiosity

What are the best back and lats exercises with dumbbells?

Dumbbells are an excellent tool for training the back and lats. Let's find out what the best exercises to are. Training the back and lats is essential for sports professionals and anyone involved in sports medicine. A strong, well-developed back improves athletic performance and helps prevent injuries and muscle problems. read more
News and Curiosity

How to best train your abdominal muscles

A good abdominal workout isn't only effective for a sculpted physique but helps your posture. Here are the best exercises to train this part of your body. The abs are one of the most essential muscle groups for athletes and sports professionals. According to many, they are the most important building block to ensure a well-defined and sculpted physique and to burn excess calories. Training the abs not only helps to influence metabolism and improve athletic performance but also helps to prevent injuries and improve posture. This is why it is important to understand how to train the abs best and which exercises to focus on for best results. read more
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