News and Curiosity

What are the best sports for summer?

1 Sports and summer
  • 1 Sports and summer
  • 2 Sports and summer
  • 3 One sport for every place
  • 4 One sport for every place
  • 5 One sport for every place

    The work of a sportsman never stops

    But practicing a sport in summer can make even the most trained minds reel. With the arrival of the warm season, the days get longer, and it is easier to spend time outside, engaging in outdoor activities. Running, cycling, hiking, and yoga on the lawn are some of the most common examples. But the heat can be dangerous even for the well-trained athlete. There are days when temperatures reach 30 degrees Celsius, and even the usual run in the park can be harmful.
    However, it is not entirely impossible to practice a summer sport! Just take a few precautions, and your sports routine will not be interrupted in any way.

    Some advice before getting started

    Don’t let the heat scare you. You can maintain your sports routine with minor changes to avoid falling victim to the heat.
    When temperatures rise, training in the scorching heat harms the health of even the best-trained athletes.
    The most severe risk can be dehydration due to the loss of substances needed for the body to function correctly. Practicing sports early in the morning or evening, when the temperature is milder, is a good way of not completely losing the habit of physical activity.
    When an athlete trains, their body releases chemicals such as endorphins and dopamine, which are essential for a good mood. Still, it also releases a lot of sweat! Sweating is essential to eliminate excess toxins from the body.
    Still, if you are not careful, you run the risk of running out of fluids.
    Constant hydration is essential if you want to continue practicing sports during the summer, adding supplements where necessary for those who sweat profusely or want to restore their energy supply. A correct diet also makes a difference: supplementing your diet with seasonal vegetables and fruit ensures that your body is always ready for any effort.

    Summer sports by the sea

    By the sea or in the mountains? Summer sports exist for any area that interests the sportsperson! If you are at the seaside, you can combine the pleasure of a holiday with a training program that is tailor-made for you.
    One of the most common summer sports at the seaside is undoubtedly swimming: whether in the pool or at the sea, it is one of the most complete sports activities. The body’s muscles are strengthened, and the metabolism is stimulated, which benefits the cardiovascular system.
    Not to mention the refreshed feeling you get after a swim.

    On the beach, you can also enjoy beach volleyball, a variant of volleyball.
    Besides being a popular summer sport and perfect to do in a group – combining the need for training with fun – it strengthens muscles and joints, increasing the explosive strength of arms and legs.

    Surfing has become an increasingly popular sport over the years.
    Not only because it allows one to ride the waves but also because it helps improve breathing and increases coordination and balance.
    Water aerobics is another excellent water sport, especially when recovering from sprains or various injuries. This sport combines physical activity with spending a few hours in the water following the movements of an instructor.

    Summer sports in the mountain

    The mountain landscape inspires many activities, including trekking, a summer – but also spring – sport that helps relieve stress and improves circulation and breathing. A walk in the middle of the woods invigorates the mood and helps to keep fit. However, it is an activity that should be avoided during the hottest hours of the day. If you are a trekking novice, follow the marked routes in the mountains so you don’t get lost.

    Cycling joins the list of summer sports in the mountains. Cycling is not only an environmentally friendly way of traveling, a way to explore new and beautiful places, but it also helps improve your breathing, burn numerous calories, increase leg strength, and improve your circulatory system. If you have never cycled over rough terrain, start with routes that are within your reach and then slowly work your way up.

    If there is a river or a lake where you are staying in the mountains, rafting and canoeing are two summer sports that you can enjoy together: getting on an inflatable boat and cruising down the river or getting into a boat and gripping the oars to discover unexplored landscapes is a call to adventure that attracts many people. Strengthen your arm muscles while having fun and immersing yourself in nature.

    Summer sports in the plains

    If, on the other hand, you love neither the sea nor the mountains, here are some summer sports to practice on the plains:

    • running, this is one of the best-known, most practiced, and accessible activities. It can be practiced on any terrain, strengthens the heart, helps speed up the metabolism, and helps control cholesterol levels in the blood. But it is highly inadvisable to go running during the hottest hours of the day: better to go early in the morning or the evening;
    • tennis, this summer sport is an excellent ally for strengthening arms, legs, and buttocks, but it requires a considerable expenditure of energy, which can be replenished with the supplements Pronto Energy Gel, Ipodrink, and Whey Protein Cacao;
    • climbing, a sport that benefits the whole body. Not only does it help you lose weight, but it also trains your arm and leg muscles and improves concentration and coordination.

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