News and Curiosity

Sixtus Italia’s recipe: focus on quality. Interview with the President Mauro Marrucci

Innovation, quality, training. These are the three key words which have accompanied Sixtus Italia's work during 2016 and which the company will focus on even more for next year. New concepts which have concerned the internal structure and market strategies with the aim of offering professionals (and not only them) high quality products for mental and physical wellbeing. An activity that will be increasingly accompanied by a careful training and information activity for correctly using the products. Mauro Marrucci, president of Sixtus Italia reviews 2016 for us and illustrates what we can expect for the next year. We are approaching the end of 2016, an important year for Sixtus Italia, which saw important changes in the corporate strategies… 2016 was a very special year, it generated a trend reversal by Sixtus with the sale of the ""Pharmacy"" branch and the strengthening of the 'I-Tech' and 'Food' departments both now and for the future. These are choices linked to a path which the Marrucci family has been following for some time, which has been aiming at further increasing the technological research and the nutraceuticals sector compared with the pharmacy sector, by introducing Sixtus brand products onto the national and international territories, in order to increase the brand’s content. Among next year's priorities there will therefore be the wish to increase, strengthen and enrich this trend which began in 2016, without prejudice to the collaboration with BSN, which is considered strategic both by Sixtus and by BSN. Therefore, for Sixtus Italia, a new chapter is opening up under the banner of innovation? We will continue with our commitment to marketing increasingly innovative products because nowadays being on the market with products which are similar or already produced by others, no longer pays. What are your goals for next year? One of the objectives we have set ourselves is to create an innovative academy whose purpose is to train graduates in physiotherapy and masseurs and physiotherapists to correctly use the products that Sixtus will market from 2017. Within this strategy is there also a willingness to counter the poor quality of products from emerging economies? No. Copying quality products is always difficult. Our research is based on a group of experts, of specialists who identify the shortcomings of the health and food sector and we only place quality products on the market after this type of analysis. So the key word to stay in the market is quality? This is the first ingredient, but it must be accompanied by a correct use of the products. This is why we focus not only on the product, but also on training those who choose to turn to Sixtus Italy. Our goal is to create and train an ‘knowledgeable consumer’, aware of the choices, bearing in mind that we are talking about people's health. How is this commitment by Sixtus Italia implemented? I’ll list only a few figures: in 2017 we have planned over 20 courses as Accademia and 50 as Sixtus, almost 70 events in a year i.e. more than one a week. Let’s finish with a wish for next year... I hope for a successful 2017 for everyone, both for me and for my employees...Perhaps more for me since I'm over 80 years old.

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