The injuries and healing
Giuliano Razzoli tells us about his recovery from the injury with Game Ready

He is the Razzo del circo bianco (White circus rocket), the gold medallist in the slalom skiing in Vancouver 2010: Giuliano Razzoli is a mixture of speed and determination not only on his skis, even when he speaks it is hard to keep up with him, you can sense he really wants to get back on the slope after the bad injury he had last January, when he ruptured his left cruciate ligament during the Kitzbuehel slalom. ""Recovery is going well, it's a bit boring but I must say I'm happy: I'm training well and I cannot wait to get back on my skis"", he says while he's busy rehabilitating in Fontanellato, near Parma. For skiers this is usually a period of rest before resuming training, but for Razzoli ""no holiday this year! - he says jokingly - First I want to physically get fit again, then I will take some time to unplug a little'. Now I work out every day"". Just as occurs in slalom, the finishing line of getting back on skis must be crossed as quickly as possible and the Italian athlete is working hard: ""From Monday to Friday I am at the physiotherapy centre for treatment and training twice a day: I mainly followed a program for muscle strengthening during the first months, now I train to improve my general condition. I'm not in a hurry, I want to do things calmly, and well - he says - but I never stop: Saturdays and Sundays I work at home in the gym and the swimming pool. The goal is to get back on my skis between the end of June and the beginning of July"". A recovery during which Giuliano Razzoli found a precious ally in Game Ready, the innovative trauma treatment and post-surgery recovery machine which combines 'compression' and 'cold’: ""During these last months we have practically lived together! It's a very simple and practical machine to use, I keep it in the car, ready to use: all you need is a little ice to hand. People had talked well about it to me, saying it was a good therapy and that it helped with rehabilitation: I tried it and I found it very good, so much so that it is now three months that I use it practically every day at the end of each workout"". With an important advantage in order to speed up recovery after the injury as ""it allows using heavier loads during the workout"", adds Razzoli. A constant commitment with the aim of returning to pushing his skis faster than before: ""I got injured during my best moment, the season was interrupted just at its peak: I had been second in the previous race and I was one step away from Hirscher and Kristoffersen. On the other hand, skiing is a 'nasty' sport, but you have to know how to get up with the same passion as always, to get back into shape and start from where you had stopped. The goal is to return stronger than before, using this stop time to improve physically and technically: in skiing and in sport you should never stop but always take a step forward"", concludes Razzoli.